Swimmers II

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Artwork comes from the solo exhibition in Germany called “Heat”. The illustrated characters are on heat. Scenes celebrate naked feet, relationships, flowers, naps, linen and everything tactile and in between. Friendships and group activities are prioritised, time alone is spent mostly to recharge. The illustrated characters are caught off-guard and are socially and carnally hungry. Playful, unsupervised and touchy, they lounge, they gawk, they provoke, the post-pandemic tactility is here. Stresses and the heartbreaks of the past fourteen months are covered with a layer of the sweaty play, the heat is on.

Note: A post-pandemic human should be a human on heat right? Heated by the weather, heated by co-humans, heated by life! Although this heat varies in scale and impact, nevertheless, it is here! Here to help counteract that post-covid despair, bitterness, fatigue, boredom, loneliness, alienation, and grief. Hello heat!

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